St. Alphonsus

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During Advent:

First Sunday In Advent: On The General Judgment (15 Minutes)

Second Sunday In Advent: On The Advantages Of Tribulations (23 Minutes)

Third Sunday In Advent: On The Means Necessary For Salvation (13 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday In Advent: On The Love Of Jesus Christ For Us And On Our Obligations To Love Him (15 Minutes)


During Epiphany:

Sunday Within The Octave Of The Nativity: In What True Wisdom Consists (19 Minutes)

For The First Sunday After Epiphany: On The Malice Of Mortal Sin (17 Minutes)

For The Second Sunday After Epiphany: On The Confidence With Which We Ought To Recommend Ourselves To The Mother Of God (20 Minutes)

For The Third Sunday After Epiphany: On The Remorse Of The Damned (12 Minutes)

For The Fourth Sunday After Epiphany: Dangers of Eternal Salvation (13 Minutes)

For The Fifth Sunday After Epiphany: On The Pains Of Hell (14 Minutes)

For The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany: On The Death Of The Just (23 Minutes)

Septuagesima Sunday: On The Importance Of Salvation (16 Minutes)

Sexagesima Sunday: Unhappy Life Of Sinners And Happy Life Of Those Who Love God (19 Minutes)

Quinquagesima Sunday: Delusions Of Sinners (17 Minutes)


During Lent:

First Sunday Of Lent: On The Number Of Sins Beyond Which God Pardon No More (17 Minutes)

Second Sunday Of Lent: On Heaven (17 Minutes)

Third Sunday Of Lent: On Concealing Sins In Confession (16 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday Of Lent: On The Tender Compassion Which Jesus Christ Entertains Towards Sinners (16 Minutes)

Passion Sunday: On The Danger To Which Tepidity Exposes The Soul (18 Minutes)

Palm Sunday: On The Evil Effects Of Bad Habits (19 Minutes)


During Paschal Time:

Easter Sunday: On The Miserable State Of Relapsing Sinners (19 Minutes)

First Sunday After Easter: On Avoiding The Occasions Of Sin (19 Minutes)

Second Sunday After Easter: On Scandal (21 Minutes)

Third Sunday After Easter: On The Value Of Time (20 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday After Easter: On Obedience To Your Confessor (19 Minutes)

Fifth Sunday After Easter: On The Condition Of Prayer (18 Minutes)

Sixth Sunday After Easter: On Human Respect (20 Minutes)


During Pentecost:

Pentecost Sunday: On Conformity To The Will Of God (18 Minutes)

Trinity Sunday: On The Love Of The Three Divine Persons For Man (19 Minutes)

First Sunday After Pentecost: On Charity To Our Neighbour (24 Minutes)

Second Sunday After Pentecost: On Holy Communion (18 Minutes)

Third Sunday After Pentecost: On The Mercy Of God Towards Sinners (17 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost: Death Is Certain And Uncertain (19 Minutes)

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Sin Of Anger (20 Minutes)

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Vanity Of The World (21 Minutes)

Seven Sunday After Pentecost: On The Education Of Children (26 Minutes)

Eight Sunday After Pentecost: On The Particular Judgment (21 Minutes)

Ninth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Death Of The Sinner (17 Minutes)

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Efficacy And Necessity Of Prayer (18 Minutes)

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost: On The Vice Of Speaking Immodestly (17 Minutes)

Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Abuse Of Divine Mercy (20 Minutes)

Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On Avoiding Bad Company (15 Minutes)

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost: All Ends And Soon Ends (21 Minutes)

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On What Ordinarily Happens At The Death Of Men Of The World (28 Minutes)

Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On Impurity (25 Minutes)

Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Love Of God (23 Minutes)

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On Bad Thoughts (20 Minutes)

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Pain Of Loss Which The Damned Suffer In Hell (20 Minutes)

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Predominant Passion (21 Minutes)

Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost: On The Eternity Of Hell (21 Minutes)

Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost: Straits And Anguish Of Dying Christians Who Have Been Negligent During Life About The Duties Of Religion (23 Minutes)

Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost: On Impenitence (26 Minutes)

Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost: On Blasphemy (21 Minutes)


Way Of Salvation And Perfection:

Eternal Salvation Part 1 Med. 1 (3 Minutes)

Sin As It Dishonors God Part 1 Med. 2 (4 Minutes)

The Patience Of God Waiting For Us Part 1 Med. 3 (4 Minutes)

The Certainty Of Death Part 1 Med. 4 (3 Minutes)

The Lose Of All Things At Death Part 1 Med. 5 (3 Minutes)

The Great Thought Of Eternity Part 1 Med. 6 (4 Minutes)

The Death Of Jesus Christ Part 1 Med. 7 (3 Minutes)

The Abuse Of God’s Mercy Part 1 Med. 8 (4 Minutes)

The Emptiness And Shortness Of This Life Part 1 Med. 9 (4 Minutes)

Contempt That Sinners Treat God Part 1 Med. 10 (4 Minutes)

The Pain Of Loss Part 1 Med. 11 (4 Minutes)

The Particular Judgment Part 1 Med. 12 (5 Minutes)

Preparation For The Particular Judgment Part 1 Med. 13 (4 Minutes)

The Souls In Hell Will Be Tormented In Their Memory Part 1 Med. 14 (4 Minutes)

Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary Part 1 Med. 15 (4 Minutes)

Jesus Suffering For Our Sins Part 1 Med. 16 (4 Minutes)

The One Thing Necessary Part 1 Med. 17 (4 Minutes)

The Sinner’s Disobedience To God Part 1 Med. 18 (4 Minutes)

The Merciful Chastisements Of God Part 1 Med. 19 (4 Minutes)

The Patience Of God For Sinners Part 1 Med. 20 (4 Minutes)

Death The Passage To Eternity Part 1 Med. 21 (4 Minutes)

Reformation Of Our Lives Before Death Part 1 Med. 22 (4 Minutes)

Lamb Of God Sacrificed For Our Sins Part 1 Med. 23 (4 Minutes)

The Value Of Time Part 1 Med. 24 (4 Minutes)

The Terrors Of The Dying Man And The Coming Judgment Part 1 Med. 25 (4 Minutes)

The Fire Of Hell Part 1 Med. 26 (4 Minutes)

The Vanity Of All Worldly Things Part 1 Med. 27 (3 Minutes)

The Number Of Our Sins Part 1 Med. 28 (4 Minutes)

The Folly Of Living As Enemies Of God Part 1 Med. 29 (4 Minutes)

The Secret Wounds Of Jesus Part 1 Med. 30 (4 Minutes)

The Great Affair Of Salvation Part 1 Med. 31 (4 Minutes)

The Frequent Thought Of Death Part 1 Med. 32 (4 Minutes)

The Turning Away From God By Sin Part 1 Med. 33 (3 Minutes)

The Mercy Of God In Calling Sinners To Repentance Part 1 Med. 34 (4 Minutes)

The Souls Appearance At The Tribunal Of God Part 1 Med. 35 (4 Minutes)

The Unhappy Life Of The Sinner Part 1 Med. 36 (4 Minutes)

The Love Of Jesus Crucified Part 1 Med. 37 (3 Minutes)

The Will Of God To Save All Part 1 Med. 38 (4 Minutes)

The Near Approach Of Death Part 1 Med. 39 (3 Minutes)

God Abandons The Sinner In His Sins Part 1 Med. 40 (4 Minutes)

Examination At The Particular Judgment Part 1 Med. 41 (3 Minutes)

The Journey To Eternity Part 1 Med. 42 (3 Minutes)

Jesus The Man Of Sorrows Part 1 Med. 43 (4 Minutes)

The Folly Of Neglecting Salvation Part 1 Med. 44 (4 Minutes)

The Moment Of Death Part 1 Med. 45 (3 Minutes)

The Desire Of God To Save Sinners Part 1 Med. 46 (3 Minutes)

The Sentence At The Particular Judgment Part 1 Med. 47 (4 Minutes)

An Unprovided Death Part 1 Med. 48 (3 Minutes)

The Eternity Of Hell Part 1 Med. 49 (4 Minutes)

The Uncertainty Of Grace Part 1 Med. 50 (3 Minutes)

The Death Of Jesus For The Love Of Men Part 1 Med. 51 (4 Minutes)

The Certainty Of Either Being Saved Or Lost Part 1 Med. 52 (4 Minutes)

The Certainty Of Death II Part 1 Med. 53 (4 Minutes)

The Vanity Of The World Part 1 Med. 54 (3 Minutes)

The Provoking Of God By Sin Part 1 Med. 55 (3 Minutes)

The Last Judgment Part 1 Med. 56 (3 Minutes)

The Intensity Of The Pains Of Hell Part 1 Med. 57 (4 Minutes)

The Love Of Christ Crucified Part 1 Med. 58 (4 Minutes)

Irretrievable Loss Of The Soul Part 1 Med. 59 (3 Minutes)

We Must Die Part 1 Med. 60 (3 Minutes)

The Love Which God Receives The Penitent Sinner Part 1 Med. 61 (3 Minutes)

Temptations To Relapse Part 1 Med. 62 (4 Minutes)

The Resurrection Of The Body Part 1 Med. 63 (4 Minutes)

The Love Of God In Giving Us His Son Part 1 Med. 64 (4 Minutes)

Earnest Labor To Secure Eternal Salvation Part 1 Med. 65 (4 Minutes)

The Appearance Of The Body Immediately After Death Part 1 Med. 66 (4 Minutes)

The State Of The Body In The Grave Part 1 Med. 67 (4 Minutes)

Man Is Soon Forgotten After Death Part 1 Med. 68 (4 Minutes)

The Appearance Of All Mankind In The Valley Of Josaphat Part 1 Med. 69 (4 Minutes)

The Blindness Of Those That Say, “If We Be Lost, We Will Not Be Alone” Part 1 Med. 70 (3 Minutes)



Hell Will Be Like (36 Minutes)