Most Recent on Youtube ……………………. Click to show Playlist
Bishop Mark Pivarunas:
St. Gabriel And Nun’s Enrollment Ceremony (16 Minutes)
Bishop Daniel Dolan:
Ss. Abdon And Sennen (5 Minutes)
St. Adrian Of Canterbury To The Children (9 Minutes)
Ss. Agatha And Francis De Sales To The Children (7 Minutes)
St. Albert The Great (10 Minutes)
St. Aloysius (9 Minutes)
St. Ambrose (10 Minutes)
St. Anacletus (7 Minutes)
St. Andrew Avellino (8 Minutes)
St. Andrew_To The Children (5 Minutes)
St. Anicetus (8 Minutes)
Ss. Anselm And Opportuna To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Anthony (6 Minutes)
St. Anthony Mary Claret (8 Minutes)
St. Anthony Of Padua (13 Minutes)
St. Anthony The Abbot And Our Lady Of Pontmain (10 Minutes)
St. Antoninus (5 Minutes)
St. Antony Mary Zaccaria (6 Minutes)
Ss. Apollinaris And Liborius To The Boys (11 Minutes)
Ss. Appoliana And Cyril Of Alexandria To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Athanasius (5 Minutes)
St. Augustine (6 Minutes)
St. Augustine To The Children (11 Minutes)
St. Bartholomew (7 Minutes)
St. Bede The Venerable (6 Minutes)
Venerable Bede And Pope John I And Barbara Kim To The Children (13 Minutes)
St. Benedict (13 Minutes)
St. Benedict Joseph Labre (6 Minutes)
St. Bernadette (8 Minutes)
St. Bernard (8 Minutes)
St. Bernard Of Clairvaux (10 Minutes)
St. Bernardine Of Siena To The Children ( Minutes)
St. Bibiana To The Children (9 Minutes)
Ss. Blase And Francis De Sales To The Children (7 Minutes)
St. Bonaventure (7 Minutes)
St. Boniface To The Children (13 Minutes)
St. Boniface Of Tarsus And Bd. Giles Of Portugal To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Bridget Of Sweden To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Bruno (8 Minutes)
St. Cajetan (8 Minutes)
St. Callistus To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Camillus De Lellis (7 Minutes)
St. Catherine Laboure (8 Minutes)
St. Catherine Of Alexandria To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Catherine de Ricci To The Children (7 Minutes)
St. Catherine Of Siena And Doctor Jesus, The Holy Child (8 Minutes)
St. Catherine Of Siena To The Children (14 Minutes)
St. Cecilia (7 Minutes)
Pope St. Celestine V (7 Minutes)
St. Charles Borromeo (9 Minutes)
St. Christina (8 Minutes)
St. Clare of Assisi (10 Minutes)
St. Clare And William Tingai RIP (11 Minutes)
St. Clement And Fr. Miguel Pro (10 Minutes)
St. Clement I (7 Minutes)
St. Conrad (9 Minutes)
Ss. Conrad Of Ascoli And Marcellinus And Agnes Of Montepulcianod (11 Minutes)
Ss. Cornelius Cyprian And Euphemia And Companions (8 Minutes)
Ss. Cosmas And Damian (9 Minutes)
St. Cyriacus: One Of The Holy Helpers (11 Minutes)
St. Cyriacus, St. Largus, and St. Smaragdus (9 Minutes)
Ss. Cyril And Methodius (9 Minutes)
St. Cyril Of Alexandria (7 Minutes)
St. Damasus I (7 Minutes)
St. Damasus To The Children (12 Minutes)
Daniel And The Lions To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Daniel The Prophet (12 Minutes)
St. David (6 Minutes)
Ss. Didacus And Stanslaus Kostka (10 Minutes)
St. Dominic (15 Minutes)
Ss. Domitian And Stanislaus To The Children (9 Minutes)
Ss. Donatian And Rogatian (11 Minutes)
St. Eligius (7 Minutes)
Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora (8 Minutes)
St. Elizabeth Of Hungry (8 Minutes)
Bd. Emeric And St. Charles Boromerro To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Ephraem (11 Minutes)
St. Eric Of Sweden (6 Minutes)
St. Ernest (7 Minutes)
Ss. Eusebius And Mary Of Turin (9 Minutes)
Ss. Eustace And Companions (6 Minutes)
Ss. Fabian, Sebastion, and Fechin (12 Minutes)
St. Felix Of Valois To The Children (10 Minutes)
Ss. Felix Of Cantelli And Rita Of Cascia (7 Minutes)
St. Fidelis Of Sigmaringen To The Children (11 Minutes)
The Forty Holy Martyrs And Elias And The Woman To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Francis Borgia To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Francis Caracciolo To The Children (10 Minutes)
Ss. Francis Of Paula And Mary Magdalen And Mary Of Egypt To The Children (11 Minutes)
Ss. Frances Of Rome And Dominic Savio To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (16 Minutes)
St. Francis DeSales (16 Minutes)
St. Francis Of Assisi (6 Minutes)
Ss. Francis Di Girolamo and Mamertus To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Francis Of Paula (4 Minutes)
St. Francis Xavier To The Children (11 Minutes)
St. Gabriel Of The Mother Of Sorrows To The Children (12 Minutes)
St. Gabriel, The Archangel (9 Minutes)
St. George To The Children (9 Minutes)
Ss. George And Giles To The Children (8 Minutes)
St. Giles (7 Minutes)
St. Godfrey (7 Minutes)
Ss. Godric And Andrew Of Bobola (8 Minutes)
St. Gregory Nazianzen To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Gregory Thaumaturgus (9 Minutes)
Ss. Gregory The Great And Seraphina To The Children (7 Minutes)
St. Gregory VII (11 Minutes)
SSs. Hedwig And Gerard Majella To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Helena (8 Minutes)
St. Henry II Emperor Of Germany (5 Minutes)
St. Hilary To The Children (8 Minutes)
Ss. Hippolytus And Cassian (10 Minutes)
The Holy Innocents (9 Minutes)
St. Hyacinth (7 Minutes)
St. Ignatius Of Loyola (10 Minutes)
St. Irenaeus (9 Minutes)
St. Isaac Of Cordova And Blessed John The Sinner To The Children (6 Minutes)
Bd. Isabel Of France (6 Minutes)
St. Isidore The Farmer (11 Minutes)
St. Isidore Of Seville (9 Minutes)
St. Isidore Of Seville And St. Benedict The Black To The Children (11 Minutes)
Vigil Of St. James And St. Christina To The Boys (15 Minutes)
St. Jane Chantal (9 Minutes)
St. Januarius And Companions And Our Lady Of La Salette (12 Minutes)
St. Jerome To The Children (10 Minutes)
Ss. Joachim And Roch (10 Minutes)
Bd. Joan Of Toulouse (11 Minutes)
St. John Baptist De La Salle To The Children (11 Minutes)
St. John Baptist De Rossi (9 Minutes)
St. John The Baptist (6 Minutes)
The Nativity Of St. John The Baptist (7 Minutes)
St. John The Apostle And Our Lady (5 Minutes)
St. John The Evangelist (8 Minutes)
St. John Before The Latin Gate To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. John Bosco (7 Minutes)
St. John Cantius (8 Minutes)
St. John Capistran (15 Minutes)
St. John Chrysostom (8 Minutes)
St. John Damascene (12 Minutes)
St. John Eudes (7 Minutes)
Ss. John Fisher And Alban And Paulinus (13 Minutes)
St. John Francis Regis (5 Minutes)
St. John Marie Vianney (6 Minutes)
Ss. John Nepomucene And Ubaldus To The Children (12 Minutes)
Bd. John Rainuzzi (7 Minutes)
Ss. John Of God and Philip Neri (6 Minutes)
St. John Of Sahagun And Our Lady Of Peace (8 Minutes)
St. John Of The Cross (9 Minutes)
Octave Of St. John The Evangelist To The Children (7 Minutes)
St. John Vianney (7 Minutes)
Ss. John And Paul Martyrs (8 Minutes)
St. Josaphat (9 Minutes)
Go To Joseph To The Children (8 Minutes)
St. Joseph Calasantius (8 Minutes)
St. Joseph Of Cupertino (8 Minutes)
St. Joseph And Obedience And St. Benedict Joseph Labre To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Joseph Patron Of The Universal Church (12 Minutes)
St. Joseph And The Matter Of Keys To The Children (11 Minutes)
St. Julia Billiart To The Children (8 Minutes)
St. Juliana Falconieri (8 Minutes)
St. Justin Martyr (5 Minutes)
St. Lawrence: To The Children (8 Minutes)
St. Lawrence Justinian To The Children (10 Minutes)
Ss. Lawrence O’Toole And Josaphat (11 Minutes)
St. Leo II Pope (6 Minutes)
St. Leo The Great To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Linus And St. Thecla (10 Minutes)
St. Louis King Of France (6 Minutes)
St. Lucian Of Antioch To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Lucy (6 Minutes)
St. Marcellus To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Marcellus and Ss. Bernard And His Companions (8 Minutes)
St. Margaret Of Cortena To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque To The Children (11 Minutes)
Ss. Mark The Apostle And Cletus And Marcellinus (11 Minutes)
St. Mark To The Children (8 Minutes)
Blessed Marie Of The Incarnation To The Children (8 Minutes)
St. Marius And Companions And St. Canute (8 Minutes)
St. Martin De Porres (7 Minutes)
St. Martin Of Tours (17 Minutes)
St. Martin I (8 Minutes)
St. Matthew (9 Minutes)
St. Matthias (4 Minutes)
St. Mary Magdalen To The Boys (17 Minutes)
Ss. Mary Magdalen De Pazzi And Philip Neri To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Mary Magdalen De Pazzi (7 Minutes)
St. Matthias (7 Minutes)
St. Michael De Sanctis To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Michael The Archangel (9 Minutes)
St. Monica To The Children (10 Minutes)
Mother’s Union Meeting: Great Stories Of Mothers And Wifes Who Are Saints (37 Minutes)
Ss. Nereus,And Achilleus And Domitilla To The Children (7 Minutes)
St. Nicholas (7 Minutes)
Ss. Nickalous And Didacus And Stanislaus Kostka To The Children (13 Minutes)
St. Nicholas Of Tolentino (6 Minutes)
Ss. Nino And Valerian (6 Minutes)
St. Norbert To The Children (11 Minutes)
Ss. Olive And Margaret (7 Minutes)
St. Paschal Baylon (16 Minutes)
St. Patrick To The Children (19 Minutes)
St. Paul The Apostle: To The Children (8 Minutes)
Ss. Paul Of The Cross And Vitalis And Louis De Montfort And Peter Chanel (6 Minutes)
St. Paulinus Of Nola (9 Minutes)
Ss. Perpetua And Felicity To The Children (14 Minutes)
Ss. Peter And Paul (5 Minutes)
Ss. Peter Canisius And Turibius Of Mogrovejo To The Children (9 Minutes)
Ss. Peter Canisius and Zita (14 Minutes)
Ss. Peter Chrysologus And Barbara To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Peter’s Chair At Antioch (5 Minutes)
St. Peter’s Chair At Rome And St. Prisca (9 Minutes)
St. Peter Chrysologus (7 Minutes)
Ss. Peter Chrysologus And Barbara (8 Minutes)
St. Peter Claver And St. Gorgonius (8 Minutes)
St. Peter Damian (4 Minutes)
St. Peter Fourier To The Children (11 Minutes)
St. Peter Martyr To The Children (7 Minutes)
St. Peter Nolasco (4 Minutes)
Ss. Philip And James To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Philip Benizi (13 Minutes)
St. Philip Neri To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Philomena (7 Minutes)
St. Pius I (6 Minutes)
St. Pius V To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Pius X To The Children (8 Minutes)
Our Lady Of Consolation And St. Pius V (11 Minutes)
St. Placid And Companions (10 Minutes)
St. Polycarp (6 Minutes)
Ss. Primus And Felican And Columba And Anne Marie Taigi_SermonI (11 Minutes)
St. Protus And Hyacinth To The Children (9 Minutes)
Ss. Rainerious Of Pisa And Harvey (7 Minutes)
St. Raphael (6 Minutes)
St. Raymond Nonnatus (11 Minutes)
St. Raymond Pennafort To The Children (14 Minutes)
St. Regina and St. Columba (8 Minutes)
St. Richard Of Wyche To The Children (6 Minutes)
St. Rita Of Cascia (9 Minutes)
St. Robert Bellarmine And Blessed Imelda (7 Minutes)
St. Romuald (7 Minutes)
St. Rose Of Lima (20 Minutes)
St. Rose Of Viterbo (5 Minutes)
St. Sabbas To The Children (12 Minutes)
St. Scholastica (6 Minutes)
The Seven Holy Founders To The Children (11 Minutes)
St. Severian To The Children (9 Minutes)
Ss. Simon And Jude To The Children (6 Minutes)
Ss. Soter And Caius To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Spiridion (9 Minutes)
St. Stanislaus To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Stephen (12 Minutes)
St. Stephen Of Hungry (5 Minutes)
St. Susanna and St. Philomena (10 Minutes)
St. Sylvester I (6 Minutes)
St. Theodor And St. Brennan (8 Minutes)
St. Theodore (8 Minutes)
St. Teresa Of Jesus To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Therese: Run That You May Win (14 Minutes)
St. Therese The Little Flower To The Children (9 Minutes)
St. Thomas Aquinas And Lent (8 Minutes)
St. Thomas A. Becket (8 Minutes)
St. Thomas Of Villanova (6 Minutes)
St. Thomas The Apostle (7 Minutes)
Ss. Titus And Dorothy To The Children (9 Minutes)
Bd. Urban V (8 Minutes)
St. Valentine (5 Minutes)
Ss. Venantius And Eric Of Sweden (9 Minutes)
St. Veronica Giuliani (12 Minutes)
Ss. Vincent And Anastasius (7 Minutes)
St. Vincent To The Children (12 Minutes)
St. Vincent DePaul (6 Minutes)
St. Vincent Ferrer (6 Minutes)
St. Viviana (8 Minutes)
Ss. Vitalis And Paul Of The Cross And Louis De Montfort (11 Minutes)
Ss. Vitus And Germaine Of Pibrac And Edburga Of Winchester (9 Minutes)
St. William The Abbot (7 Minutes)
Ss. Willibrord And Ernest And Engelbert (8 Minutes)
“Theresan Lenten Retreat 2013”:
St. Therese: Her Little Way Part 1 Of 3 (28 Minutes)
St. Therese: Her Little Way Part 2 Of 3 (28 Minutes)
St. Therese: Her Little Way Part 3 Of 3 (41 Minutes)
02-23-2013 Theresan Rosary (20 Minutes)
Bishop Donald Sanborn:
Abraham’s Faith And Submission (14 Minutes)
Learn From St. Athanasius (20 Minutes)
Phillip And James The Apostolic Mission (22 Minutes)
Pope Saint Pius V (26 Minutes)
St. Augustine (25 Minutes)
St. Isaac Jogues And Companions (18 Minutes)
St. Joseph The Just Man (17 Minutes)
St. Joseph Patron Of The Universal Church (30 Minutes)
St. Joseph Model Of Chastity (21 Minutes)
St. Joseph Gods Will (15 Minutes)
St. Joseph At Christmas (13 Minutes)
St. Louis King Of France (19 Minutes)
St. Louis Kingship Of Christ (23 Minutes)
St. Michael And Naturalism (19 Minutes)
St. Thomas Aquinas (21 Minutes)
Father Martin Stepanich (RIP):
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (35 Minutes)
The Beloved Disciple Of My Sacred Heart (49 Minutes)
The Cross Of St. John Of The Cross (37 Minutes)
Padre Pio (32 Minutes)
St. Anthony Of Padua And Our Lady (35 Minutes)
St. Bernadette Of Lourdes (42 Minutes)
St. John Bosco The Dreamer (34 Minutes)
St. John Eudes: Apostle Of The Hearts Of Jesus And Mary (34 Minutes)
St. Joseph During His Last Years (29 Minutes)
St. Maria Goretti Angel Of Purity (31 Minutes)
St. Stephen: Favorite Of Our Lady (32 Minutes)
St. Theresa Of Avila (35 Minutes)
St. Therese: My Name Is Written In Heaven (33 Minutes)
St. Thomas Aquinas (42 Minutes)
The Dumb Ox Of Roccasecca: St. Thomas Aquinas (40 Minutes)
The Saint Of The Miraculous Medal (39 Minutes)
Father Roy Randolph (RIP):
Conversion Of Saint Paul (33 Minutes)
On The Saints (32 Minutes)
Saints Peter And Paul (28 Minutes)
St. Joseph Of Arimathea And Nichodemus (30 Minutes)
St. Mary Magdalene (20 Minutes)
St. Peter Prince Of The Apostles (26 Minutes)
Father Anthony Cekada:
08-04-2013 St. Augustine And The Slavery Of Sin (12 Minutes)
Father Benedict Hughes:
St. James The Greater (9 Minutes)
St. John The Baptist (12 Minutes)
St. John The Baptist And Courage (14 Minutes)
St. John Marie Vianney (12 Minutes)
Devotion To St. Joseph (16 Minutes)
St. Louis De Montfort (16 Minutes)
St. Louis De Montfort And True Devotion (13 Minutes)
St. Maria Goretti (24 Minutes)
Martyrs Of The Faith (5 Minutes)
Ss. Peter And Paul (15 Minutes)
Miracles And St. Philomena (19 minutes)
Father Kevin Vaillancourt:
Finding Of St. Stephen (22 Minutes)
Let Us Honor Saint Joseph (18 Minutes)
St. Bartholomew What Is A True Friend (23 Minutes)
St. Joachim (24 Minutes)
St. Lawrence (30 Minutes)
Ss. Peter And Paul (32 Minutes)
St. Pius V (34 Minutes)
St. Pius X And Modernism (35 Minutes)
St. Therese Of The Child Jesus (16 Minutes)
Father Casmir Puskorius:
St. John The Baptist (17 Minutes)
St. Philomena (20 Minutes)
Father Dominic Radicki:
08-16-2015 St. Joachim (11 Minutes)
Father Charles McGuire:
SSs. Chrysanthus And Daria (11 Minutes)
St. Joseph: Wearing The Crown Of Throwns (16 Minutes)
St. Ubaldus (11 Minutes)
Father Desposito:
The Life Of St. Luke (17 Minutes)
Father Ramolla:
St. Albert The Great (18 Minutes)
St. Anne (18 Minutes)
Three Pictures Of St. Augustine (16 Minutes)
St. Joseph: Model Of All Who Labor (17 Minutes)
St. Margaret Mary Of Alacoque And The Great Promise (20 Minutes)
St. Mary Magdalene (18 Minutes)
St. Peter The First Pope (20 Minutes)
St. Pius X To The Children (10 Minutes)
St. Therese Of The Child Jesus (17 Minutes)
Father Julian Larrabee:
St. Anthony Of Padua (18 Minutes)
St. Bonaventure (18 Minutes)
Dreams Of St. John Bosco (17 Minutes)
St. Francis De Sales (11 Minutes)
06-10-2018 Little Nellie Of Holy God (21 Minutes)
St. Patrick Of Ireland (14 Minutes)
St. Raymond Of Pennafort (20 Minutes)
St. Robert Bellarmine And Sedevacantism (18 Minutes)
St. Thomas Becket And Human Respect (17 Minutes)