Save Thy Soul

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Saint Alphonsus de Liguori:

During Advent:

First Sunday In Advent: On The General Judgment (15 Minutes)

Second Sunday In Advent: On The Advantages Of Tribulations (23 Minutes)

Third Sunday In Advent: On The Means Necessary For Salvation (13 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday In Advent: On The Love Of Jesus Christ For Us And On Our Obligations To Love Him (15 Minutes)

During Epiphany:

Sunday Within The Octave Of The Nativity: In What True Wisdom Consists (19 Minutes)

For The First Sunday After Epiphany: On The Malice Of Mortal Sin (17 Minutes)

For The Second Sunday After Epiphany: On The Confidence With Which We Ought To Recommend Ourselves To The Mother Of God (20 Minutes)

For The Third Sunday After Epiphany: On The Remorse Of The Damned (12 Minutes)

For The Fourth Sunday After Epiphany: Dangers of Eternal Salvation (13 Minutes)

For The Fifth Sunday After Epiphany: On The Pains Of Hell (14 Minutes)

For The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany: On The Death Of The Just (23 Minutes)

Septuagesima Sunday: On The Importance Of Salvation (16 Minutes)

Sexagesima Sunday: Unhappy Life Of Sinners And Happy Life Of Those Who Love God (19 Minutes)

Quinquagesima Sunday: Delusions Of Sinners (17 Minutes)

During Lent:

First Sunday Of Lent: On The Number Of Sins Beyond Which God Pardon No More (17 Minutes)

Second Sunday Of Lent: On Heaven (17 Minutes)

Third Sunday Of Lent: On Concealing Sins In Confession (16 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday Of Lent: On The Tender Compassion Which Jesus Christ Entertains Towards Sinners (16 Minutes)

Passion Sunday: On The Danger To Which Tepidity Exposes The Soul (18 Minutes)

Palm Sunday: On The Evil Effects Of Bad Habits (19 Minutes)

During Paschal Time:

Easter Sunday: On The Miserable State Of Relapsing Sinners (19 Minutes)

First Sunday After Easter: On Avoiding The Occasions Of Sin (19 Minutes)

Second Sunday After Easter: On Scandal (21 Minutes)

Third Sunday After Easter: On The Value Of Time (20 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday After Easter: On Obedience To Your Confessor (19 Minutes)

Fifth Sunday After Easter: On The Condition Of Prayer (18 Minutes)

Sixth Sunday After Easter: On Human Respect (20 Minutes)

During Pentecost:

Pentecost Sunday: On Conformity To The Will Of God (18 Minutes)

Trinity Sunday: On The Love Of The Three Divine Persons For Man (19 Minutes)

First Sunday After Pentecost: On Charity To Our Neighbour (24 Minutes)

Second Sunday After Pentecost: On Holy Communion (18 Minutes)

Third Sunday After Pentecost: On The Mercy Of God Towards Sinners (17 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost: Death Is Certain And Uncertain (19 Minutes)

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Sin Of Anger (20 Minutes)

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Vanity Of The World (21 Minutes)

Seven Sunday After Pentecost: On The Education Of Children (26 Minutes)

Eight Sunday After Pentecost: On The Particular Judgment (21 Minutes)

Ninth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Death Of The Sinner (17 Minutes)

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Efficacy And Necessity Of Prayer (18 Minutes)

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost: On The Vice Of Speaking Immodestly (17 Minutes)

Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Abuse Of Divine Mercy (20 Minutes)

Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On Avoiding Bad Company (15 Minutes)

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost: All Ends And Soon Ends (21 Minutes)

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On What Ordinarily Happens At The Death Of Men Of The World (28 Minutes)

Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On Impurity (25 Minutes)

Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Love Of God (23 Minutes)

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On Bad Thoughts (20 Minutes)

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Pain Of Loss Which The Damned Suffer In Hell (20 Minutes)

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost: On The Predominant Passion (21 Minutes)

Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost: On The Eternity Of Hell (21 Minutes)

Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost: Straits And Anguish Of Dying Christians Who Have Been Negligent During Life About The Duties Of Religion (23 Minutes)

Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost: On Impenitence (26 Minutes)

Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost: On Blasphemy (21 Minutes)

Way Of Salvation And Perfection:

Eternal Salvation Part 1 Med. 1 (3 Minutes)

Sin As It Dishonors God Part 1 Med. 2 (4 Minutes)

The Patience Of God Waiting For Us Part 1 Med. 3 (4 Minutes)

The Certainty Of Death Part 1 Med. 4 (3 Minutes)

The Lose Of All Things At Death Part 1 Med. 5 (3 Minutes)

The Great Thought Of Eternity Part 1 Med. 6 (4 Minutes)

The Death Of Jesus Christ Part 1 Med. 7 (3 Minutes)

The Abuse Of God’s Mercy Part 1 Med. 8 (4 Minutes)

The Emptiness And Shortness Of This Life Part 1 Med. 9 (4 Minutes)

Contempt That Sinners Treat God Part 1 Med. 10 (4 Minutes)

The Pain Of Loss Part 1 Med. 11 (4 Minutes)

The Particular Judgment Part 1 Med. 12 (5 Minutes)

Preparation For The Particular Judgment Part 1 Med. 13 (4 Minutes)

The Souls In Hell Will Be Tormented In Their Memory Part 1 Med. 14 (4 Minutes)

Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary Part 1 Med. 15 (4 Minutes)

Jesus Suffering For Our Sins Part 1 Med. 16 (4 Minutes)

The One Thing Necessary Part 1 Med. 17 (4 Minutes)

The Sinner’s Disobedience To God Part 1 Med. 18 (4 Minutes)

The Merciful Chastisements Of God Part 1 Med. 19 (4 Minutes)

The Patience Of God For Sinners Part 1 Med. 20 (4 Minutes)

Death The Passage To Eternity Part 1 Med. 21 (4 Minutes)

Reformation Of Our Lives Before Death Part 1 Med. 22 (4 Minutes)

Lamb Of God Sacrificed For Our Sins Part 1 Med. 23 (4 Minutes)

The Value Of Time Part 1 Med. 24 (4 Minutes)

The Terrors Of The Dying Man And The Coming Judgment Part 1 Med. 25 (4 Minutes)

The Fire Of Hell Part 1 Med. 26 (4 Minutes)

The Vanity Of All Worldly Things Part 1 Med. 27 (3 Minutes)

The Number Of Our Sins Part 1 Med. 28 (4 Minutes)

The Folly Of Living As Enemies Of God Part 1 Med. 29 (4 Minutes)

The Secret Wounds Of Jesus Part 1 Med. 30 (4 Minutes)

The Great Affair Of Salvation Part 1 Med. 31 (4 Minutes)

The Frequent Thought Of Death Part 1 Med. 32 (4 Minutes)

The Turning Away From God By Sin Part 1 Med. 33 (3 Minutes)

The Mercy Of God In Calling Sinners To Repentance Part 1 Med. 34 (4 Minutes)

The Souls Appearance At The Tribunal Of God Part 1 Med. 35 (4 Minutes)

The Unhappy Life Of The Sinner Part 1 Med. 36 (4 Minutes)

The Love Of Jesus Crucified Part 1 Med. 37 (3 Minutes)

The Will Of God To Save All Part 1 Med. 38 (4 Minutes)

The Near Approach Of Death Part 1 Med. 39 (3 Minutes)

God Abandons The Sinner In His Sins Part 1 Med. 40 (4 Minutes)

Examination At The Particular Judgment Part 1 Med. 41 (3 Minutes)

The Journey To Eternity Part 1 Med. 42 (3 Minutes)

Jesus The Man Of Sorrows Part 1 Med. 43 (4 Minutes)

The Folly Of Neglecting Salvation Part 1 Med. 44 (4 Minutes)

The Moment Of Death Part 1 Med. 45 (3 Minutes)

The Desire Of God To Save Sinners Part 1 Med. 46 (3 Minutes)

The Sentence At The Particular Judgment Part 1 Med. 47 (4 Minutes)

An Unprovided Death Part 1 Med. 48 (3 Minutes)

The Eternity Of Hell Part 1 Med. 49 (4 Minutes)

The Uncertainty Of Grace Part 1 Med. 50 (3 Minutes)

The Death Of Jesus For The Love Of Men Part 1 Med. 51 (4 Minutes)

The Certainty Of Either Being Saved Or Lost Part 1 Med. 52 (4 Minutes)

The Certainty Of Death II Part 1 Med. 53 (4 Minutes)

The Vanity Of The World Part 1 Med. 54 (3 Minutes)

The Provoking Of God By Sin Part 1 Med. 55 (3 Minutes)

The Last Judgment Part 1 Med. 56 (3 Minutes)

The Intensity Of The Pains Of Hell Part 1 Med. 57 (4 Minutes)

The Love Of Christ Crucified Part 1 Med. 58 (4 Minutes)

Irretrievable Loss Of The Soul Part 1 Med. 59 (3 Minutes)

We Must Die Part 1 Med. 60 (3 Minutes)

The Love Which God Receives The Penitent Sinner Part 1 Med. 61 (3 Minutes)

Temptations To Relapse Part 1 Med. 62 (4 Minutes)

The Resurrection Of The Body Part 1 Med. 63 (4 Minutes)

The Love Of God In Giving Us His Son Part 1 Med. 64 (4 Minutes)

Earnest Labor To Secure Eternal Salvation Part 1 Med. 65 (4 Minutes)

The Appearance Of The Body Immediately After Death Part 1 Med. 66 (4 Minutes)

The State Of The Body In The Grave Part 1 Med. 67 (4 Minutes)

Man Is Soon Forgotten After Death Part 1 Med. 68 (4 Minutes)

The Appearance Of All Mankind In The Valley Of Josaphat Part 1 Med. 69 (4 Minutes)

The Blindness Of Those That Say, “If We Be Lost, We Will Not Be Alone” Part 1 Med. 70 (3 Minutes)


Hell Will Be Like (36 Minutes)

St. Robert Bellarmine:

Art Of Dying Well: Chapter 1 (4 Minutes)

Art Of Dying Well: Chapter 2 (12 Minutes)

Art Of Dying Well: Chapter 3 (11 Minutes)

Art Of Dying Well: Chapter 4 (14 Minutes)

Art Of Dying Well: Chapter 5 (9 Minutes)

Art Of Dying Well: Chapter 6 (11 Minutes)

Art Of Dying Well: Chapter 7 (18 Minutes)

St. Francis DeSales:

During Lent:

Ash Wednesday: Fasting (34 Minutes)

First Sunday In Lent: Temptation (43 Minutes)

Thursday After The First Sunday In Lent: Faith (41 Minutes)

Second Sunday In Lent: Eternal Happiness (32 Minutes)

Thursday After The Second Sunday In Lent: Election And Reprobation (37 Minutes)

Third Sunday In Lent: Mutual Charity (35 Minutes)

Thursday After The Third Sunday In Lent: Proper Conduct In Illness (37 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday In Lent: God’s Spiritual Providence (28 Minutes)

Thursday After The Fourth Sunday In Lent: Proper Fear Of Death (38 Minutes)

Passion Sunday: Hearing The Word Of God (28 Minutes)

Palm Sunday: Humility And Obedience (36 Minutes)

Good Friday: The Passion What It Means (68 Minutes)

St. John Vianney (The Cure of Ars):


A Curse Will Fall (3 Minutes)

The Armed Crosses (2 Minutes)

At Their Shame It Must Be Said (2 Minutes)

Be Religious Or Be Damned (13 Minutes)

The Beloved Crosses (3 Minutes)

Beware If You Have No Temptations (15 Minutes)

Clear Your Minds (3 Minutes)

Do You Want To Be Happy (4 Minutes)

The Duties Of Mothers (4 Minutes)

The Duties Of Parents (2 Minutes)

First Sunday Of The Year: Where Are You Going (3 Minutes)

The Gift Of Everyday (2 Minutes)

Have A Clean Face (2 Minutes)

Harvest Crosses (4 Minutes)

How Blind The Sinner Is (6 Minutes)

I Come On Behalf Of God (15 Minutes)

If You Know How To Give (7 Minutes)

It Is Necessary To Be Converted (3 Minutes)

Lost Works (2 Minutes)

Merit Absolution (2 Minutes)

Oh Everyone Says So (5 Minutes)

Our Inconsistency (3 Minutes)

The Public Crosses Which Are Worn (5 Minutes)

Repairing The Wrong Done (4 Minutes)

The Service Of The Blessed Virgin (3 Minutes)

The Sewer Of Hell (6 Minutes)

The Tongue Of A Scandal Monger (2 Minutes)

Thoughts On The Way To Church (11 Minutes)

You No Longer Control Them (5 Minutes)

You Will Answer For Their Souls (1 Minutes)

We Are All Wretched Creatures (3 Minutes)

We Are Keeping A Feast (5 Minutes)

When You Go Back Home (3 Minutes)

Who Has Charity (7 Minutes)

The World Is Everything: God Is Nothing (2 Minutes)

During Easter:

First Sunday After Easter: Annual Confessions (3 Minutes)

Fifth Sunday After Easter: You Have Not The Time (2 Minutes)

During Advent:

Second Sunday In Advent: Follow One Master Only (2 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday In Advent: Thoughts About Penance (8 Minutes)

During Epiphany:

Third Sunday After Epiphany: His Prayer Is A Lie (3 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany: Bad Company (3 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany: He Will Help Us (3 Minutes)

During Lent:

First Sunday Of Lent: We Are Nothing In Ourselves (4 Minutes)

Fourth Sunday After Lent: The Bad Death (11 Minutes)

During Pentecost:

Second Sunday After Pentecost: You Are Surprised But Not I (6 Minutes)

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost: All That You Say Above These Is Evil (48 Minutes)

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost: You Should Come Earlier (5 Minutes)

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost: Have You Religion In Your Heart (7 Minutes)

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost: You Can Become A Good Tree (14 Minutes)

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost: Praying Fasting And Pleasing Ourselves (9 Minutes)

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost: Routine Followers (1 Minutes)

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost: Your Prayers Are Only An Insult (6 Minutes)

Eighth Sunday After Pentecost: We Are Extraordinarily Blind (1 Minutes)

Ninth Sunday After Pentecost: We Must Expect Temptations (5 Minutes)

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost: Not Like The Others (10 Minutes)

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost: The Evil Tongue (6 Minutes)

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost: Prisoners Of Sin (6 Minutes)

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost: Your Heart Is But A Mass Of Pride (2 Minutes)

Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost: Love Your Neighbor (2 Minutes)

Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost: Renounce Sin For Good And All (5 Minutes)

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost: If Man Knew His Religion (5 Minutes)

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost: Prayer Commands All (3 Minutes)

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost: They Are For The World (16 Minutes)

Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost: Purity Is Not Known (4 Minutes)

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost: The Dreadful State Of The Lukewarm Soul (24 Minutes)

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost: A Public Plague (10 Minutes)

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost: The Duties Of A Pregnant Woman (4 Minutes)

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost: Getting To Know The Right People (3 Minutes)

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost: Wine Is His God (5 Minutes)

Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost: Anger Does Not Travel Alone (7 Minutes)

Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost: Death Will Reveal Thieves (7 Minutes)

Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost: Model Our Death Upon Jesus Christ (3 Minutes)

St. Leonard Of Port Maurice:

The Little Number Of Those Who Are Saved (33 Minutes)

Father Lawrence Scupoli:

Spiritual Combat Part1 Preliminary Words On Perfection (10 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part2 Distrust Of Self (5 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part3 Confidence In God (5 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part4 How To Discover Ourselves (2 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part5 Mistake Considering Cowardace A Virtue (1 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part6 Distrust Of Self And Confidence In God (2 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part7 The Right Use Of The Facilities (3 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part8 Obstacles In Forming A Correct Judgment (3 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part9 Prevent Deception Of Understanding (4 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part10 Exercise The Will (8 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part11 Consideration To Incline The Will (2 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part12 Opposition To Man’s Nature (5 Minutes)

Spiritual Combat Part13 How To Encounter Sensuality (8 Minutes)


Bishop George Musey:

OCT-1985   The Current Church Fatima Conference 1985   (66 Minutes)

Bishop Mark Pivarunas:

Confirmation (17 Minutes)

Graces Of Confirmation (17 Minutes)

Live Your Catholic Faith With Prayer Especially The Rosary (15 Minutes)

Our Lady Of Fatima And Our Society Today (17 Minutes)

State Of Society And The Church And The Ordination Of Frs. Anthony And Molino (24 Minutes)

Vocations (22 Minutes)

Bishop Daniel Dolan:

Calumny (10 Minutes)

Contemplating Death (30 Minutes)

The Conversion Of America Through Our Lady And Her Miraculous Medal (19 Minutes)

Dust And Ashes Is All We Are To The Children (16 Minutes)

Family Devotion To The Sacred Heart (15 Minutes)

The Green Scapular (16 Minutes)

Modesty Of Dress (14 Minutes)

Mothers Union Meeting: “Make Your Children Saints” (40 Minutes)

The Near Occasions Of Sin (19 Minutes)

Parenting With The Zeal Of Our Enemies (15 Minutes)

Speaking Frankly On The Rosary (14 Minutes)

St. Therese The Little Flower (11 Minutes)

They Murmured (14 Minutes)

The Robber Becomes The Good Samaritan (9 Minutes)

The Sacred Heart To The Children (10 Minutes)

Tough Love (14 Minutes)

The True Faith, Will You Keep It Or Lose It? (20 Minutes)

YOU And Missionary Activity (29 Minutes)

Watchful Care (16 Minutes)

Counsels Of Perfection For Christian Mothers:

What It Really Means To Be Devout (41 Minutes)

A Catalog Of Souls: Where Do I Fit In? (38 Minutes)

Naturalism (30 Minutes)

Setting A Rule For Yourself (35 Minutes)

Slowness In Spiritual Progress (35 Minutes)

Wasting Time (39 Minutes)

Bishop Donald Sanborn:

Advent Preparation (27 Minutes)

Advent Renovation Of Our Lives (8 Minutes)

All Saint’s Day (20 Minutes)

Battle Between Life And Death (17 Minutes)

Battle Of The Flesh (21 Minutes)

Be Grateful To God (14 Minutes)

Children Of Light Vs Children Of The World (21 Minutes)

Conforming To Gods Will (21 Minutes)

Confidence In God (17 Minutes)

Control Of Passions (14 Minutes)

Courtship (30 Minutes)

Death (13 Minutes)

Don’t Be Solicitous: Money (15 Minutes)

Dr. Soisson’s Funeral Sermon (15 Minutes)

Eight Beatitudes (25 Minutes)

Eternal Salvation (13 Minutes)

Faculity Of Speech Correct Use Of (18 Minutes)

Family (21 Minutes)

Fear Of The Lord (14 Minutes)

Few Are Chosen (14 Minutes)

Fleshpots Of Egypt (22 Minutes)

Forgiveness Of Sins (11 Minutes)

Gluttony (18 Minutes)

God’s Mercy (23 Minutes)

Goodness Of God (20 Minutes)

Happiness (19 Minutes)

How To Obtain Humility (18 Minutes)

The Holy Family Part I (23 Minutes)

The Holy Family Part II (20 Minutes)

Human Respect (27 Minutes)

Hypocrisy (19 Minutes)

Impure Thoughts And Desires (21 Minutes)

Impurity (23 Minutes)

Ingratitude (20 Minutes)

Jalopy Analogy Of The Soul (19 Minutes)

Justice And Mercy (16 Minutes)

Lying (17 Minutes)

Lust Part I (23 Minutes)

Lust Part II (32 Minutes)

Make Straight His Paths (19 Minutes)

Marriage (15 Minutes)

Mission Sunday (22 Minutes)

Mortal Sin (17 Minutes)

Mortification (16 Minutes)

Motion Pictures (12 Minutes)

Necessity Of Grace (17 Minutes)

Obedience (20 Minutes)

Original Sin And The Condition Of Man (17 Minutes)

Overcoming Temptations (16 Minutes)

Paganization Of Christmas (24 Minutes)

Perseverance (19 Minutes)

Piety (19 Minutes)

Purgatory (27 Minutes)

Punishment For Sin (14 Minutes)

Prayer Of Petition I (22 Minutes)

Prayer Of Petition II (21 Minutes)

Praying Well (17 Minutes)

The Spirit Of Nature The Spirit Of The Flesh Part I (22 Minutes)

The Spirit Of Nature The Spirit Of The Flesh Part III (21 Minutes)

Pride And Humility (18 Minutes)

Sacred Heart (19 Minutes)

Sins Of The Tongue I (15 Minutes)

Sins Of The Tongue II (20 Minutes)

Sins Of Thought (15 Minutes)

Sins We Think Are Trivial (19 Minutes)

Sloth (23 Minutes)

The Sorrows And Joys Of The Children Of God (16 Minutes)

Spiritual Perfection (17 Minutes)

Striving For Perfection (20 Minutes)

Temptation And Sin (23 Minutes)

The Virtue Of Faith (23 Minutes)

Time (15 Minutes)

True Contrition (31 Minutes)

True Repentance For Sins (22 Minutes)

Two Kingdoms (26 Minutes)

Unfaithfulness To God (17 Minutes)

Virtue Supernatural vs Natural (18 Minutes)

Virtues Of St. Paul (17 Minutes)

Wonderful Gifts Of God (19 Minutes)

Abbot Leonard:

Let Us Be Charitable Catholics (30 Minutes)

Father Roy Randolph:

Sin (27 Minutes)

Time (22 Minutes)

The Prodigal Son Gods Mercy (22 Minutes)

Father Benedict Hughes:

At The Name Of Jesus, Every Knee Shall Bend (11 Minutes)

Be A Good Example To Others (13 Minutes)

Carry Your Crosses Well And Heaven Will Be Your Reward (16 Minutes)

Chastity (15 Minutes)

Death (14 Minutes)

The Devil Our Mortal Enemy (18 Minutes)

How To Pray Well (19 Minutes)

How To Prepare For One’s Death (11 Minutes)

Imitating Mary’s Purity And Modesty (10 Minutes)

Judith And Esther Exemplars Of Humility (12 Minutes)

Let Us Always Give Thanks To Almighty God (5 Minutes)

Love Of The Cross (10 Minutes)

Modesty (10 Minutes)

Mortification Necessary To Resist Temptation (11 Minutes)

Need For Penance (17 Minutes)

Penitential Practices (12 Minutes)

Retreat I:   Sin And Its Consequences   (34 Minutes)

Retreat II:   Important Pastoral Matters   (39 Minutes)

Spiritual Laxity Occasions Of Sin And Their Remedy (20 Minutes)

St. Bartholomew And No Guile (15 Minutes)

St. John Marie Vianney (12 Minutes)

Temptations Of The Devil (10 Minutes)

The Holy Rosary (13 Minutes)

The Necessity Of Continual Conversion (15 Minutes)

The Three Temptations (14 Minutes)

Using Ones’ Time For God’s Glory (10 Minutes)

Why Does God Permit Suffering? (10 Minutes)

Father James Kosek:

A Cross For Me A Cross For You (14 Minutes)

Ask God To Guide Us (10 Minutes)

Beware Of Wolves In Sheep Clothing (16 Minutes)

Divine Virtue Of Charity (12 Minutes)

Find And Obey Good Shepherds (16 Minutes)

Get Rid Of Mortal Sin (17 Minutes)

The Holy Name Of Jesus (15 Minutes)

Lack Of Gratitude (10 Minutes)

Lord Save Me (7 Minutes)

Love God On His Terms (13 Minutes)

Love God The Way God Wants You To Love Him (19 Minutes)

Make Time For Prayer (9 Minutes)

The Most Holy Trinity (13 Minutes)

Now Is The Time To Amend Your Life (7 Minutes)

Rejoice When You Are Persecuted For The Faith (13 Minutes)

Salvation Is Based On The Choices That We Make (8 Minutes)

To Know Jesus Is To Love Him (16 Minutes)

We Must Cultivate The Divine Virtue Of Charity (12 Minutes)

Father Anthony Cekada:

Forgiveness (15 Minutes)

Murmuring (12 Minutes)

St. Augustine And The Slavery Of Sin (12 Minutes)

Use Your Time Wisely (15 Minutes)

Father Kevin Vaillancourt:

Actual Grace (24 Minutes)

Behavior (17 Minutes)

Confidence In Prayer (22 Minutes)

Do Penance To Over Come Bad Habits (15 Minutes)

Fatherhood And Meekness (30 Minutes)

Following The Liturgy (27 Minutes)

Forming A Correct Conscience (25 Minutes)

The Malice Of Sin: Venial And Mortal (26 Minutes)

Often Say All For Thee Jesus To Gain Merits (19 Minutes)

Purity (29 Minutes)

Reasons For Meditation (24 Minutes)

Rogation Days (21 Minutes)

St. Bartholomew What Is A True Friend (23 Minutes)

The Sacred Heart Of Jesus: God’s Love For Mankind (18 Minutes)

Sanctifying Grace God’s Greatest Gift (21 Minutes)

The Spirit Of Grace And Prayer (21 Minutes)

Suffering (23 Minutes)

We All Must Be Missionaries, Listen How We Can Do This (19 Minutes)

Father Casimir:

Our Hearts Are Restless Oh Lord (17 Minutes)

Pauline McDonald Eulogy (21 Minutes)

What Is This In Light Of Eternity (12 Minutes)

Father Dominic Radecki:

Atonement For Sin (13 Minutes)

Call To A Higher Spiritual Life (43 Minutes)

Death, Are You Ready? (41 Minutes)

Eighth Commandment And Rash Judgments (11 Minutes)

Eighth Commandment And The Sins Of The Tongue (16 Minutes)

Fifth Commandment Bad Example And Scandal (15 Minutes)

06-AUG-2023 Great Advice On Purity (13 Minutes)

Habitual Charity (14 Minutes)

Last Thoughts Of A Fallen Away Cathollic (17 Minutes)

List Of Serious Sins Of The Flesh (15 Minutes)

Many Styles Will Be Introduced Which Gravely Offend God (48 Minutes)

Modesty And Purity (16 Minutes)

Sins Of Speech (16 Minutes)

Sixth And Ninth Commandments (16 Minutes)

Sixth And Ninth Commandments General Info I (13 Minutes)

Sixth And Ninth Commandments General Info II (14 Minutes)

Sixth And Ninth Commandment: Modest Attire (16 Minutes)

Temptations Of The Devil (14 Minutes)

Temptations Of The Flesh (11 Minutes)

Tenth Commandment (14 Minutes)

Holy Thursday 2010 What Is Charity (12 Minutes)

Father Gabriel Lavery:

18-AUG-2024 Making a Good Confession   (28 Minutes)

The Ordinary Magisterium And Devotion To The Pope (54 Minutes)

Saying Yes To God (20 Minutes)


Father Julian Gilchrist:

04-08-2018   The Joys Of Being Catholic And Penance   (24 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:

Devotion To The Mass (19 Minutes)

Eucharistic Adoration (16 Minutes)

Fear Of Death (11 Minutes)

Gratitude (14 Minutes)

The Mustard Seed (13 Minutes)

The Mystery Of Bethlehem (10 Minutes)

Rash Judging (16 Minutes)

See Christ In Others (14 Minutes)

Seeking Happiness (10 Minutes)

Sin Of Heresy (13 Minutes)

Soap For The Soul   (17 Minutes)

True Happiness (12 Minutes)

We Must Know Our Faith (11 Minutes)

Father Bernard:

Let Us Not Be Like The Pharisees (34 Minutes)

The Sacrament Of Penance (26 Minutes)

St. Therese: Spiritual Childhood (25 Minutes)

Father Markus Ramolla:

Andrew DeBrosse Funeral: Prepare Well For Death (15 Minutes)

Be A Good Sheppard Of Your Soul (17 Minutes)

The Beauty Of A Soul In The State Of Grace (20 Minutes)

The Brown Scapular (16 Minutes)

Confidence In God (22 Minutes)

Contrition (20 Minutes)

The Cross And The Crucifix (19 Minutes)

The Cross Purifies Us (22 Minutes)

Heaven Our True Home (19 Minutes)

The Holy Name Of Jesus (20 Minutes)

It Is Appointed Unto Man (22 Minutes)

The Last Judgment (16 Minutes)

Let Us Always Be Thankful (13 Minutes)

The Love Of God (18 Minutes)

Make A Good Confession (16 Minutes)

Mortal Sin (20 Minutes)

Pray For A Happy Death (27 Minutes)

Prepare For Death (19 Minutes)

Remember The Purpose Of Life, That Is To Go To Heaven (16 Minutes)

Sacrament Of Confession I: The Examination Of Conscience (14 Minutes)

Sacrament Of Confession II: Mortal Sin (22 Minutes)

Sacrament Of Confession III: Contrition (19 Minutes)

Sacrament Of Confession IV: Firm Purpose Of Amendment (28 Minutes)

The Sacred Heart (15 Minutes)

St. Margaret Mary Of Alacoque And The Great Promise (20 Minutes)

Watch And Pray (16 Minutes)

Father Julian Larrabee:

Charitably Handling Insults   (17 Minutes)

Choked Out By The Cares Of This World   (17 Minutes)

Cleaning Garbage Out Of The Soul   (16 Minutes)

Contrition The Golden Key To Paradise   (15 Minutes)

Death And Eternity (14 Minutes)

Duties Of Children   (15 Minutes)

30-JUN-2023 Excuses for Skipping Mass (24 Minutes)

The Forty Hours Devotion (13 Minutes)

God’s Relationship To Man (15 Minutes)

The Habit Of Sin (16 Minutes)

31-JUL-2023 Hell (16 Minutes)

The Holy Eucharist (14 Minutes)

Hope (15 Minutes)

Salvation Outside The Church? (16 Minutes)

Spiritual Joy And Worldly Joy (15 Minutes)

Time (11 Minutes)

True Sorrow For Sin (19 Minutes)

Wake Up! (13 Minutes)

Walking With God (13 Minutes)

Father Bernard Welp:

Parenting (24 Minutes)

We Must Be Obsessed About God (11 Minutes)

Father Stephen McKenna:

Be More Than A Sunday Catholic (12 Minutes)

In God We Trust (25 Minutes)

Our Spiritual Weapons: The Rosary And The Scapular (15 Minutes)

The Sin Of Apostasy (17 Minutes)

Father Vili Lehtoranta:

Suffer Both To Grow Until The Harvest (16 Minutes)

Father Philip Davis:

25-JUL-2021 St. James And Being Zealous (13 Minutes)