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NOTE: If you experience a problem with a sermon link,

        please let me know by sending an email to:



NOTE: Checkout the updated Web Site for the CMRI

         Minor Seminary which includes a Promo Video on

         the new YouTube channel:  minorseminary.org


Fatima Conference 2015


CDs can be purchased for the Fatima Conference 2015 at the CMRI Web Site.

Quote/Maxim Of The Day:

St. John Of The Cross: The soul in the darkness groans under its chains, motionless, helpless, until the spirit is softened, humbled, purified, made so subtle, so simple, that it can, in some way, become one with the spirit of God, in accordance with the extent and degree of the union of love to which mercy wishes to raise it.


PLEASE pray the powerful prayer, “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph” for the sanctification of my

family and may God reward you for your charity.


The CONonization Of John 23 And John Paul II

Bishop Sanborn’s Sermons On John Paul II and John 23 are worth listening to again to refresh your memory:

JPII: 25 Years Of Heresy And Destruction   (18 Minutes)

John XXIII And Pius IX Beatification   (31 Minutes)


Landmark DVD on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass now Available:






The ten most popular sermons during the month of July 2016:





































Below is a  series of  outstanding talks  given in  1973 by a  priest who needs to be

kept anonymous.  Father X’s  words  are very  powerful  and every  Catholic should

listen  to  his  talks.    Be  aware  that  the  first  and only talk  that  has  some CB 

noise  introduced  is  in  the  first 12 minutes.  After that, the talks are clear and 

Father  X’s  words  will  assist  and inspire  you in  your  daily  battles  against the

devil and his agents.


Father X:


In “Various” Page:

Retreat Part I   (51 Minutes)

Retreat Part II   (48 Minutes)

Retreat Part III   (32 Minutes)

Retreat Part IV   (70 Minutes)

Retreat Part V   (55 Minutes)

Retreat Part VI   (33 Minutes)

Retreat Part VII   (32 Minutes)

Retreat Part VIII   (68 Minutes)

Retreat Part IX   (25 Minutes)





Posted On August 14, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

08-14-2016   Our Lady’s Assumption   (11 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

08-14-2016   The Malice Of Mortal Sin   (14 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

08-14-2016   Feeneyism Against The Church Authority   (21 Minutes)

08-07-2016   We Must Love Our Neighbor To Be Saved   (14 Minutes)



Posted On August 11, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

08-07-2016   Pilgrimage To Ireland   (21 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

07-24-2016   Magdalene Favorite Of Our Lord   (17 Minutes)



Posted On August 02, 2016


Bishop Daniel Dolan:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

07-31-2016   Come Down   (17 Minutes)

07-30-2016   Divine Providence   (14 Minutes)

07-29-2016   St. Martha The Believer   (13 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

07-31-2016   Spiritual Reading   (14 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

07-17-2016   The Virtue Of Humility   (27 Minutes)

07-16-2016   The Precious Blood And The Martyrs Of Gorkum   (21 Minutes)



Posted On July 15, 2016


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

07-03-2016   True Vs. False Piety   (15 Minutes)

07-02-2016   The Quickness Of Our Lady   (09 Minutes)

07-01-2016   Feast Of The Most Precious Blood Of Jesus   (10 Minutes)


Father Carlos Borja:


In “CMRI” Page:

07-10-2016   Be Faithful In Little Things   (17 Minutes)

06-05-2016   Renew Your Devotion To The Sacred Heart   (15 Minutes)

05-29-2016   Live Devout Catholic Lives   (10 Minutes)

05-22-2016   On Modesty   (13 Minutes)



Posted On July 11, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

07-10-2016   The True Mass Vs. The Novus Ordo Mass Part 3   (25 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

07-10-2016   Don’t Waste The Graces Of God   (18 Minutes)



Posted On July 05, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

07-03-2016   The True Mass Vs. The Novus Ordo Mass Part 2   (19 Minutes)

06-26-2016   The True Mass Vs. The Novus Ordo Mass Part 1   (14 Minutes)

06-19-2016   Our Father   (10 Minutes)

06-05-2016   Firm Purpose Of Amendment   (10 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

06-26-2016   The Goodness Of God   (15 Minutes)

06-12-2016   Lightening Your Load   (15 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

06-26-2016   The Language Of The Mass  (18 Minutes)

06-19-2016   Forgiving Injuries  (18 Minutes)

06-12-2016   How To Use A Missal  (21 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Catechism” Page:

06-25-2016   Our Lady Of Mariazell And Father’s Duty   (25 Minutes)

05-22-2016   Ave Maris Stella   (14 Minutes)



Posted On June 14, 2016


Bishop Mark Pivarunas:


In “CMRI” Page:

06-04-2016  The Crazy Times We Live In   (18 Minutes)


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

06-03-2016   Great Advice For The Young During The Summer Months   (06 Minutes)

05-31-2016   Our Lady Queen Of The Universe   (07 Minutes)

05-30-2016   Our Lady Queen Of Mercy   (07 Minutes)

05-29-2016   St. Thomas And Corpus Christi   (12 Minutes)

05-22-2016   Prayer Has Great Power   (12 Minutes)


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

03-27-2016   Gaze On The Resurrection And The Cross  (09 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

06-05-2016   Need For Zeal For The Sacred Heart  (15 Minutes)

05-29-2016   Hunger For The Holy Eucharist  (13 Minutes)

05-15-2016   Pray To The Holy Ghost  (15 Minutes)


Father Bernard Welp:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

03-27-2016   Pull Ourselves From The Mire   (09 Minutes)


Father Carlos Borja:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

04-24-2016   Our Lord In The Blessed Sacrament   (10 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Catechism” Page:

05-15-2016   The Seven Gifts Of The Holy Ghost   (22 Minutes)



Posted On May 21, 2016


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

04-01-2016   Eulogy Of Virginia Sr. Zion  (10 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

05-07-2016   St. Stanislaus Bishop And Martyr   (07 Minutes)


Father Carlos Borja:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

05-15-2016   Charity   (15 Minutes)

05-08-2016   Mother’s Day   (11 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Catechism” Page:

05-15-2016   If You Ask The Father Any Thing In My Name   (23 Minutes)



Posted On May 15, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

05-15-2016   Perfect Contrition   (18 Minutes)

05-13-2016   Triple Feasts On May 13th   (11 Minutes)

05-08-2016   Charity Covers A Multitude Of Sin   (10 Minutes)

05-01-2016   St. Joseph: The Worker   (12 Minutes)


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

03-20-2016   For The Love Of God  (11 Minutes)

03-19-2016   St. Joseph   (16 Minutes)



Posted On May 5, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

05-01-2016   St. Joseph The Worker   (12 Minutes)

04-24-2016   St. Louis And True Devotion To Mary   (14 Minutes)


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

03-29-2016   St. Joseph  (12 Minutes)

03-13-2016   Strive For Holiness In Our Daily Lives  (15 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

05-01-2016   May Is The Month Of Our Lady  (15 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Catechism” Page:

04-24-2016   Suffering And Our Lady Of Consolation   (27 Minutes)



Posted On April 24, 2016


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

02-28-2016   Bp. McKenna And Exorcisms  (16 Minutes)

02-19-2016   Fr. Houghton  (12 Minutes)

02-14-2016   Fasting   (14 Minutes)

02-07-2016   Charity   (15 Minutes)

02-05-2016   Eulogy for Sr. Mary Gemma  (12 Minutes)

02-02-2016   Keep Busy As Bees  (11 Minutes)

01-31-2016   The Three Penances  (13 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

04-24-2016   The Virtues Of St. Joseph  (14 Minutes)


Father Bernard Welp:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

02-07-2016   The Key To Heaven: Patience   (13 Minutes)



Posted On April 22, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

04-16-2016   History Of The Divine Office   (11 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

04-17-2016   St. Joseph And The Mysteries Of Life   (19 Minutes)



Posted On April 18, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

04-17-2016   Prayer Is The Key To Heaven   (15 Minutes)


Father Carlos Borja:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

04-10-2016   The Good Shepherd   (14 Minutes)

04-03-2016   Focus More On Getting To Heaven   (15 Minutes)



Posted On April 10, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

04-10-2016   Let Us Strive To Be Supernaturally Good   (14 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Catechism” Page:

04-10-2016   The Eighth Commandment   (28 Minutes)




Posted On April 09, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

04-08-2016   History Of Forty Hours   (08 Minutes)

04-03-2016   Confession   (17 Minutes)

03-27-2016   Easter And The Holy Cross   (11 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

04-03-2016   Our Lord’s Wish For Peace   (16 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

04-03-2016   Stories Of The Resurrection  (15 Minutes)

03-27-2016   Easter Rejoicing  (12 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

03-27-2016   I Arose And Am Still With Thee   (13 Minutes)

03-26-2016   The Solitude Of Our Lady   (10 Minutes)

03-25-2016   Our Redeemer’s Portrait   (18 Minutes)

03-24-2016   The Green Thursday   (13 Minutes)




Posted On March 26, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

03-24-2016   Make A Holy Hour Every Week   (10 Minutes)

03-23-2016   Find And Get Rid Of Your Predominate Fault   (10 Minutes)

03-20-2016   Resolve To Make A Good Holy Week   (06 Minutes)

03-13-2016   Serve Him By Faith   (12 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

03-25-2016   Our Lord’s Third Word From The Cross  (18 Minutes)

03-24-2016   Our Lord’s Love For Us   (14 Minutes)


Father Michael Anaya:


In “Fatima Conference 2015” Page:

Maternity Of The BVM_Fatima Conference 2015   (17 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

03-20-2016   We Can Sing To Our Lord And King   (14 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Gertrude the Great And Archives 2” Page:

03-18-2016   The Seven Sorrows Of The Blessed Virgin Mary   (10 Minutes)



Posted On March 20, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

03-19-2016   St. Joseph   (10 Minutes)

03-17-2016   St. Patrick   (10 Minutes)


Father Carlos Borja:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

03-13-2016   Sermon For Passion Sunday   (12 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

03-19-2016   Feast Of St. Joseph   (08 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Various” Page:

03-13-2016   Our Lady Of Good Success   (21 Minutes)



Posted On March 13, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

03-09-2016   St. Dominic Savio His Resolutions   (07 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

03-06-2016   A Study of the Confiteor  (15 Minutes)


Father Carlos Borja:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

03-06-2016   Let Us Not Be Selfish With God   (14 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Catechism” Page:

03-06-2016   The Seventh and Tenth Commandments   (30 Minutes)


Father Anthony Short:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

03-13-2016   Fight For True Liberty   (08 Minutes)



Posted On March 6, 2016


Bishop Daniel Dolan:


In “St. Gertrude the Great Archives” Page:

03-06-2016   Fast Feast And Mass   (16 Minutes)


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

03-06-2016   Cut Back On Food, Drink, Sleep, Speach, And Play   (15 Minutes)

02-28-2016   Why Does God Permit The Devil To Temp   (16 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Catechism” Page:

02-28-2016   The Fifth Commandment   (32 Minutes)




Posted On March 1, 2016


Father Carlos Borja:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

03-01-2016   Keeping The Devil Away And Mental Prayer   (16 Minutes)



Posted On Feb. 28, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict and Catechism” Page:

02-24-2016   Sorrowful Mother Devotion:   Contrition   (15 Minutes)

02-21-2016   The Signs Of Gluttony   (15 Minutes)


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

02-14-2016   Preserve In Penance   (08 Minutes)


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

12-21-2015   Gratitude and Thanksgiving   (18 Minutes)

12-13-2015   Rejoice With Your Heavenly Mother   (15 Minutes)

12-08-2015  By Their Fruits You Will Know Them   (15 Minutes)

11-15-2015   Trip To Holy Land   (23 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Gertrude the Great And Archives 1” Page:

02-21-2016   Demons And The St. Benedict Medal   (19 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Save Thy Soul and Archives 2” Page:

02-21-2016   The Contemplation Of God  (16 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2 and Catechism” Page:

02-21-2016   The Fourth Commandment   (33 Minutes)


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

02-10-2016   Ash Wednesday Advice On Making A Great Lent   (28 Minutes)



Posted On Feb. 13, 2016


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

01-15-2016   Eulogy Alice Melachi   (19 Minutes)

01-10-2016   Closing Centennial Yr.   (13 Minutes)


12-27-2015   St. John   (17 Minutes)

12-25-2015   Christmas Midnight Mass   (16 Minutes)

12-15-2015   Apologetics   (15 Minutes)

12-13-2015   Always Stay Close To The Blessed Mother   (15 Minutes)

11-29-2015   Put On Armor Of God   (19 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

02-16-2016   Nico Anania Eulogy   (18 Minutes)

02-07-2016   He Loves Us We Must Love Him   (21 Minutes)


Father Bernard Welp:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

01-03-2016   Holy Name   (08 Minutes)

01-01-2016   Pray For Final Preservation   (10 Minutes)


Father Anthony Short:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

02-10-2016   Our Lord Sees Our Penances   (06 Minutes)


Father Robert Letourneau:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

01-10-2016   The Holy Family  (12 Minutes)


12-27-2015   St. John The Evangelist  (11 Minutes)

12-20-2015   All Mankind Shall See The Salvation Of The Lord  (12 Minutes)


Mr. Tim Duff:

Noise removed and made into stereo:

Passion Of Jesus And Mary Taken From The Mystical City Of God   (102 Minutes)



Posted On Feb. 07, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

02-07-2016   Charity Keep The Commandments   (09 Minutes)

01-31-2016   God Gives All The Graces We Need   (09 Minutes)


Father Bernard Welp:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

01-18-2016   Eulogy Maximo Martinez   (08 Minutes)

01-17-2016   God Looks At The Heart   (08 Minutes)

01-16-2016   Eulogy Ramona Scully   (05 Minutes)


Father Robert Letourneau:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

11-01-2015   All Saint’s Day   (17 Minutes)

08-15-2015  The Assumption   (14 Minutes)

The Fifth Commandment   (22 Minutes)



Posted On Feb. 02, 2016


Father Robert Letourneau:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

01-03-2016   The Holy Name Of Jesus   (19 Minutes)

12-13-2015   First Sermon As A Priest Giving Thanks   (28 Minutes)

08-09-2015   St. John Marie Vienney:  The Cure Of Ars   (20 Minutes)

07-12-2015   Our Lord’s Precious Blood   (16 Minutes)                  

07-05-2015   The Precious Blood Of Jesus   (19 Minutes)

04-05-2015   Easter Sunday Evening   (13 Minutes)

04-05-2015   Easter Sunday   (12 Minutes)

Be Zealous For Heaven   (08 Minutes)



Posted On Jan. 25, 2016


Father Martin Stepanich:


In “Archive 1” Page ...this talk was cleaned up of unwanted noise:

St. Therese: My Name Is Written In Heaven   (33 Minutes)


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

01-24-2016   God And His Justice   (14 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

01-24-2016   Lenten Resolutions And The Use Of The Tongue   (15 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

01-17-2016   The Third Commandment   (30 Minutes)


Father Robert Letourneau:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

06-21-2015   The Mission Of A Father   (23 Minutes)



Posted On Jan. 23, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

01-17-2016   Pray For Conversions   (16 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

01-17-2016   The Purpose Of Marriage   (14 Minutes)


Father Robert Letourneau:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

01-17-2016   The Chair Of St. Peter   (13 Minutes)



Posted On Jan. 17, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

01-10-2016   Holy Family Sunday   (15 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

01-10-2016   The Presence Of Our Lord   (15 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

01-03-2016   A Our Hope Is In The Holy Name   (14 Minutes)

01-01-2016   New Year Might Be Your Last   (15 Minutes)

12-27-2015   Agar And The Land Of Chanaan   (15 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

01-10-2016   The Second Commandment   (26 Minutes)



Fatima Conference 2015


CDs can be purchased for the Fatima Conference 2015 at the CMRI Web Site.


Bishop Mark Pivarunas:  The Gates Of Hell Will Not Prevail Part 1   (67 Minutes)

Bishop Mark Pivarunas:  The Gates Of Hell Will Not Prevail Part 2   (50 Minutes)

Bishop Mark Pivarunas:  Reflecting On The Years Spent At Mount St. Michaels   (20 Minutes)


Fr. Benedict Hughes:   Knowledge Of Self   (48 Minutes)

Fr. Benedict Hughes:   The Life Of Father DeSmet Apostle Of The Rocky Mountains  (35 Minutes)


Fr. Casmir Puskorious:   A Catholic History Of The Northwest  (74 Minutes)

Fr. Casmir Puskorious:   A Knowledge Of Jesus Christ  (34 Minutes)

Fr. Casmir Puskorious:   A Renouncement Of The World  (48 Minutes)


Fr. Dominic Radecki:   A Moral Courage In The Era Preceeding The AntiChrist  (34 Minutes)


Questions And Answers  (34 Minutes)


Fr. Francisco Radecki:   A The New Mass And Vatican II Were Planned Long In Advance  (45 Minutes)


Fr. Bernard Uttley:   A Theology The Foundation Of The Spiritual Life  (43 Minutes)

Fr. Bernard Uttley:   A The Triumph Of Mary’s Immaculate Heart  (64 Minutes)


Fr. Michael Anaya:   A Opening Remarks  (19 Minutes)

Fr. Michael Anaya:   A Knowledge Of Mary  (68 Minutes)


Rev. Mother Mary Agnes:   Mary Queen Of Our Hearts   (50 Minutes)


Mrs. Anne Marie Netzel:   A Short History Of Mount St. Michael  (38 Minutes)


C.J. Strain:   A Climate Change Propaganda Vs. The Scientific Method   (76 Minutes)




Posted On Jan. 10, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

01-03-2016   The Holy Name Of Jesus   (12 Minutes)

01-01-2016    Circumcision   (09 Minutes)


12-27-2015   St. John The Apostle   (12 Minutes)

12-25-2015   The Real Meaning Of Christmas   (07 Minutes)

12-25-2015   Serve God As Well As We Can   (09 Minutes)

12-25-2015   Reflect And Meditate   (07 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

01-01-2016   Plan Your Life Like It’s A Vacation   (17 Minutes)

12-25-2015   Do We Have Room For Our Lord   (09 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

12-25-2015   The Holy Night   (18 Minutes)

12-24-2015   Eve And Adam   (17 Minutes)



Posted On Jan. 03, 2016


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

01-03-2016   The Holy Name Of Jesus   (12 Minutes)

01-01-2016    Circumcision   (09 Minutes)


12-27-2015   St. John The Apostle   (12 Minutes)

12-25-2015   The Real Meaning Of Christmas   (07 Minutes)

12-25-2015   Serve God As Well As We Can   (09 Minutes)

12-25-2015   Reflect And Meditate   (07 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

01-01-2016   Plan Your Life Like It’s A Vacation   (17 Minutes)

12-25-2015   Do We Have Room For Our Lord   (09 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

12-25-2015   The Holy Night   (18 Minutes)

12-24-2015   Eve And Adam   (17 Minutes)



Posted On Dec. 30, 2015


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

12-20-2015   The Mystery Of The Incarnation   (09 Minutes)


Father Dominic Radecki:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

On The Most Holy Rosary   (13 Minutes)

07-26-2015   St. Anne   (12 Minutes)

07-05-2015   Temptation   (11 Minutes)

06-28-2015   The Sacred Heart Of Jesus   (08 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:


12-13-2015   Temptation   (19 Minutes)

12-12-2015   Our Lady Of Guadalupe   (09 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

12-20-2015   St. John The Apostle   (16 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

12-20-2015   The First Commandment   (21 Minutes)

11-27-2015   6th And 9th Commandments   (39 Minutes)


Father Anthony Short:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

12-25-2015   Christmas Midnight Mass   (10 Minutes)



Posted On Dec. 14, 2015


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

12-13-2015   Be Humble Or Fall   (10 Minutes)

12-08-2015   The Immaculate Conception   (07 Minutes)

12-06-2015   Time To Amend Ourselves   (11 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:


12-08-2015   Back To Basics   (12 Minutes)



Posted On Dec. 07, 2015


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:


12-06-2015   Original Sin   (18 Minutes)

12-05-2015   St. Sabbas   (08 Minutes)

12-04-2015   St. Barbara   (09Minutes)

11-02-2015   All Souls Day   (08 Minutes)



Posted On Dec. 01, 2015


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

11-29-2015   Make This A Good Advent   (09 Minutes)



Posted On Nov. 23, 2015


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

10-25-2015   Christ King   (17 Minutes)

10-18-2015   Mission Sunday   (18 Minutes)


Father Charles McGuire:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 1” Page:

11-22-2015   Infinite Goodness Can Never Be Exhausted   (17 Minutes)


Father Bernard Welp:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

11-08-2015   Holy Souls   (08 Minutes)

11-01-2015   All Saints Day   (13 Minutes)

10-18-2015   Mission Sunday   (14 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

11-21-2015   Votive Mass For Peace   (11 Minutes)

11-20-2015   The Blessed Sacrament And The Milwaukee Miracle   (21 Minutes)



Posted On Nov. 15, 2015


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

11-15-2015   The Bonds Of Charity   (10 Minutes)

11-07-2015   Eulogy Of Brian Green   (09 Minutes)


Father Casmir Puskorius:


In “CMRI Archives” Page:

11-09-2015   Eulogy Of Thadius Navickas   (16 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

11-15-2015   The Book Of The Apocalypse Part 1  (19 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

11-15-2015   St. Albert The Great And The Spreading Of The Gospel   (16 Minutes)



Posted On Nov. 10, 2015


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

11-08-2015   Near Occasions Of Sin   (11 Minutes)

11-01-2015   All Saint’s Day   (13 Minutes)


Father Dominic Radecki:


In “Save Thy Soul and CMRI Archives” Page:

10-03-2015   Sins Of Speech   (16 Minutes)

07-12-2015   Last Thoughts Of A Fallen Away Cathollic   (17 Minutes)


In “Various  and CMRI Archives” Page:

10-04-2015   The Mass   (15 Minutes)

09-20-2015   Moral Courage In The Age Preceding AntiChrist Part 1   (13 Minutes)

09-27-2015   Moral Courage In The Age Preceding AntiChrist Part 2   (13 Minutes)


Father Julian Larrabee:


In “Archives 2” Page:

08-09-2015   The Majesty Of God   (14 Minutes)


Father Vili Lehtoranta:


In “St. Hugh Of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

10-25-2015   Feast Of Christ The King   (12 Minutes)



Posted On Oct. 25, 2015


Bishop Daniel Dolan:


In “St. Gertrude the Great Archives” Page:

10-18-2015   Sr. Blandina Segale   (20 Minutes)


Father Benedict Hughes:


In “Fr. Benedict” Page:

10-25-2015   Christ The King   (12 Minutes)

10-18-2015   God’s Justice And Mercy   (08 Minutes)


Father Stephen McKenna:


In “St. Hugh of Lincoln And Archives 2” Page:

10-18-2015   St. Luke And Our Lady Of Czestochowa   (25 Minutes)



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Sermon Name


St. Alphonsus de Liguori: Passion Sunday: On The Danger To Which Tepidity Exposes The Soul   (18 Minutes)


Fr. Martin Stepinich:   Our Lady Of Pontmain   (49 Minutes)


Fr. Roy Randolph:  Saints Peter And Paul   (28 Minutes)


Fr. X Retreat Part I   (51 Minutes)


Fr. Roy Randolph:   Christ Last Seven Words Part 1   (19 Minutes)


Bishop McKenna:   Traps Of The Devil   (13 Minutes)


Fr. X   Retreat Part II   (48 Minutes)


Bishop Pivarunas:   Sedevacantism Part II   (31 Minutes)


Fr. Martin Stepanich:   Total Consecration To Jesus Through Mary   (42 Minutes)


Bishop Mark Pivarunas:   Satan Will Deceive If Possible Even The Elect Part1   (76 Minutes)